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High school exam in geography – prepare with us for the maturity exam

The high school exam is your pass to higher education. You definitely want to pass it 100%. It is not easy, but it is possible. It will require systematic work, logical thinking and exercises. Go through the entire material, make friends with the map and atlas. In the meantime, untie the sheets from previous years. Thanks to this, you will learn about the most popular types of tasks. See the section high school exam in geography, and you will find worksheets with answers there.

Geography thematic sections

The most popular articles

Geography for kids

„Mom, why …” A child’s curiosity can be overwhelming and endless. It is a natural process of getting to know the world around us and learning. Curiosity is a treasure that must be cared for. However, the parent does not always remember all the information from school or his knowledge is partial. We propose a series of articles Geography for kids, where we try to answer the children’s „why?” as complete as possible and understandable to children at the same time. In part for parents we present reviews of books worth suggesting to children for joint exploration.

The most popular articles – physical geography

The most popular articles – social-economic geography

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The most popular articles – UNESCO

The most popular articles – maps

The most popular articles – olympics in geography, tests, competitions, high school diploma in geography

The most popular articles – recommended books

The most popular articles – geographical discoveries

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