Altitudinal zonation in the mountains

piętra roślinne w górach z logo Altitudinal zonation in the mountains

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Altitudinal zonation in the mountains is something obvious for everyone – foothil zone, alpine zone, snow zone. However, it is worth taking a closer look at these floors, as well as the differences in individual mountain chains.

General altitudinal zonation in the mountains

Piętra roślinności w górach schemat Altitudinal zonation in the mountains scheme
Altitudinal zonation in the mountains scheme
  • foothill zone
  • montane zone

alpine tree line

  • subalpine zone
  • low-alpine level
  • alpine zone

climatic snow line

  • snow zone / nival level

Specific altitudinal zonation in the mountains

Foothill zone is currently mainly used by humans, so it's difficult to talk about typical vegetation here. Nevertheless, once deciduous forests grew here.

In the Andes this zone is called tierra caliente * and the equatorial jungle grows there.

In lower part of montane zone there is a cool temperate climate and mixed or deciduous forest growing. There are brown earth type mountain. Although the growing season is not yet optimal, average temperatures are already higher than 0. In in tierra templada * you can find equatorial forest, but also coniferous species.

Upper part of montane zone is mainly coniferous, in Poland mainly spruce. The climate here is cool. In the Andes, zone tierra fria * is already really cold for tropics, but still “in the plus” – the alpine forest is growing here.

Mountain pine and green alder are found only in the subalpine zone in Central . In the Himalayas and the Alps, rhododendron grows in this sphere. A fairly compact network of plants protects the soil against erosion and stops smaller landslides and avalanches from higher zones.

Parano and puma are a cross between subalpine and alpine zone in . There is grassy vegetation, shrubs and shrubs, in the case of dry-loving and sun-loving puma.

Low alpine level, i.e. highland grasslands and meadows growing in cold temperate climates. There are annual plants. Landslides and avalanches often occur.

The alpine zone is a land of rocks. The vegetation includes mosses, lichens and some species of perennial flowers on soil scraps. Strong wind erosion, low temperatures. In the Andes, we will call this floor tierra helada *.

Snow zone, i.e. no vegetation, snow and rocks all year round. In South America, it is called tierra nevada *.

Floor heights

Comparison of plant floor heights in different mountain ranges, heights above sea level:

Tatra Mountains
Caucasus Mountains
Foothill zone
Lower montane zone
Upper montane zone
Subalpine zone
Alpine zone
Snow zone
> 2300
> 4000
> 5000
> 3100
> 4300
Piętra roślinności w poszczególnych pasmach górskich, schemat poglądowy, skala zachowana w przybliżeniu Altitudinal zonation in individual mountain ranges, overview diagram, scale approximately
Altitudinal zonation in individual mountain ranges, overview diagram, scale approximately

*division by Humboldt

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