Physical map of the world – islands part 2: Africa, Australia and Americas

Wyspy Australii i Oceanii, mapa konturowa islands of Australia and Oceania contour map

In Physical map of the world – islands part 1 we covered the islands from and . This time we will look at the islands around other continents.

Wyspy Afryki, mapa konturowa islands of Africa contour map
Islands of contour map
  1. Seychelles
  2. Comoros
  3. Maskarena (Mauritius, Reunion, Rodriques)
  4. Sokorta
  5. Ascension Island
  6. Saint Helena Island
  7. Cape Verde Islands
  8. Madagascar
  9. Saint Thomas Island and Prince's Island
  10. Canary Islands (Palma, Hierro, Gomera, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Graciosa, Alegranza)
  11. Madeira
  12. Azores

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Australia and Oceania

Wyspy Australii i Oceanii, mapa konturowa islands of Australia and Oceania contour map
Islands of Australia and Oceania contour map
  1. Coconut Islands
  2. Christmas Island
  3. Tasmania
  4. Micronesia
    1. Palau
    2. Carolina
    3. Northern Mariana Islands
    4. Marshall Islands
    5. Gilbert Islands
    6. Nauru
  5. Polynesia
    1. Hawaii
    2. Phoenix Islands
    3. Line
    4. Tokelau
    5. Tuvalu / Lagoon Islands
    6. Samoa
    7. Tonga
    8. Cook Islands
    9. Niue
    10. Society Islands (including Tahiti and Bora Bora)
    11. Tuamotu
    12. Gambiera Islands
    13. Awning
    14. Pitcairn
    15. Easter Island
    16. New Zealand
    17. Howland (it was supposed to be a stop here Amelia Earhart )
  6. Melanesia
    1. New Guinea
    2. Bismarck Archipelago (including New Ireland, New Britain, Admiralty Islands)
    3. Solomon Islands
    4. St. Cruz
    5. New Hebrides
    6. New Caledonia
    7. Fiji

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North America

Wyspy Ameryki Północnej, mapa konturowa islands of North America contour map
Islands of North America contour map
  1. Arctic archipelago
    1. Isle of Queen Elizabeth (since 1953) / Isle of Parry
      1. Parry Islands (Cornwallis, Prince Patrick Island and others)
        1. Devon
      2. Sverdrup Islands (Axel Heiberg, Ellef Ringnes, Amund Ringnes and others)
      3. Ellesmere Island
    2. Victoria Island
    3. Baffin land
    4. Banks Island
    5. Prince of Wales Island
    6. Somerset
    7. King William Island
    8. Prince Charles Island
    9. Southampton
  2. Prince Edward Island
  3. Cape Breton
  4. Newfoundland
  5. Anticosti
  6. St. Lawrence Island
  7. Aleutian Islands
  8. Kodjak
  9. Alexander Archipelago (among others, Cziczagowska Island, Revilla Gigedo, Kurpejanowa, Kościuszki and others)
    1. Admiralty Island
    2. Prince of Wales Island
  10. Isle of Queen Charlotte (including Graham Island, Moresby)
  11. Vancouver
  12. Hawaii
  13. Bermudas

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Wyspy Karaibów, mapa konturowa Caribbean islands contour map
Caribbean islands contour map
  1. Bahamas
  2. Greater Antilles
    1. Cuba
    2. Dominican Republic (on Hispaniola)
    3. Haiti (on Hispaniola)
    4. Jamaica
    5. Puerto Rico
    6. Cayman Islands
  3. Lesser Antilles
    1. Windward Islands
      1. Virgin Islands
      2. British Virgin Islands
      3. Anguilla
      4. Saint Kitts
      5. Nevis
      6. Barbuda
      7. Antigua
      8. Montserrat
      9. Guadeloupe
    2. Windward Islands
      1. Dominica
      2. Martinique
      3. Saint Lucia
      4. Grenadines (including Saint Vincent, Grenada)
      5. Barbados
      6. Trinidad
      7. Tobago
    3. Netherlands Antilles (Curacao and Aruba)
      1. Tortuga

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Ameryka Południowa wyspy mapa konturowa islands of South America contour map
Islands of contour map
  1. Galapagos Islands
  2. Juan Fernandez Islands
  3. Tierra del Fuego
  4. Falkland Islands / Malvinas
  5. San Felix
  6. Coconut Island
  7. Rocas and Fernando de Noronha
  8. South Georgia
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