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29 Historic Centre of Kraków – 1978
The , the former capital of Poland, is situated at the foot of the Royal Wawel Castle. The 13th-century merchants’ town has Europe’s largest market square and numerous historical houses, palaces and churches with their magnificent interiors. Further evidence of the town’s fascinating history is provided by the remnants of the 14th-century fortifications and the medieval site of Kazimierz with its ancient synagogues in the southern part of town, Jagellonian University and the Gothic cathedral where the kings of Poland were buried.
32 Wieliczka and Bochnia Royal Salt Mines – 1978
The deposit of rock salt in Wieliczka and Bochnia has been mined since the 13thcentury. This major industrial undertaking has royal status and is the oldest of its type in Europe. The site is a serial property consisting of Wieliczka and Bochnia salt mines and Wieliczka Saltworks Castle. The illustrate the historic stages of the development of mining techniques in Europe from the 13thto the 20thcenturies: both mines have hundreds of kilometers of galleries with works of art, underground chapels and statues sculpted in the salt, making a fascinating pilgrimage into the past. The mines were administratively and technically run by Wieliczka Saltworks Castle, which dates from the medieval period and has been rebuilt several times in the course of its history.
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31 Auschwitz Birkenau German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
– 1979
Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
The fortified walls, barbed wire, platforms, barracks, gallows, gas chambers and cremation ovens show the conditions within which the Nazi genocide took place in the former concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest in the Third Reich. According to historical investigations, 1.5 million people, among them a great number of Jews, were systematically starved, tortured and murdered in this camp, the symbol of humanity’s cruelty to its fellow human beings in the 20th century.
33 Białowieża Forest – 1979
The World Heritage site, on the border between Poland and Belarus, is an immense range of primary forest including both conifers and broadleaved trees covering a total area of 141,885 hectares. Situated on the watershed of the Baltic Sea and Black Sea, this transboundary property is exceptional for the opportunities it offers for biodiversity conservation. It is home to the largest population of the property’s iconic species, the European bison.
30 Historic Centre of Warsaw – 1980
During the Warsaw Uprising in August 1944, more than 85% of Warsaw’s historic centre was destroyed by Nazi troops. After the war, a five-year reconstruction campaign by its citizens resulted in today’s meticulous restoration of the Old Town, with its churches, palaces and market-place. It is an outstanding example of a near-total reconstruction of a span of history covering the 13th to the 20th century.
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564 Old City of Zamość – 1992
Zamosc was founded in the 16th century by the chancellor Jan Zamoysky on the trade route linking western and northern Europe with the Black Sea. Modelled on Italian theories of the ‘ideal city’ and built by the architect Bernando Morando, a native of Padua, Zamosc is a perfect example of a late-16th-century Renaissance town. It has retained its original layout and fortifications and a large number of buildings that combine Italian and central European architectural traditions.
847 Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork – 1997
This 13th-century fortified monastery belonging to the Teutonic Order was substantially Error executing „TranslateText” on „”; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `POST` resulted in a `429 Too Many Requests` response:
{„__type”:”ThrottlingException”,”message”:”Rate exceeded”}
ThrottlingException (client): Rate exceeded – {„__type”:”ThrottlingException”,”message”:”Rate exceeded”}
enlargedand embellished after 1309, when the seat of the Grand Master moved here from Venice. A particularly fine example of a medieval brick castle, it later fell into decay, but was meticulously restored in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many of the conservation techniques now accepted as standard were evolved here. Following severe damage in the Second World War it was once again restored, using the detailed documentation prepared by earlier conservators.
835 Medieval Town of Toruń – 1997
Torun owes its origins to the Teutonic Order, which built a castle there in the mid-13th century as a base for the conquest and evangelization of Prussia. It soon developed a commercial role as part of the Hanseatic League.
Nie ma takiej reklamy 🙁 In the Old and New Town, the many imposing public and private buildings from the 14th and 15th centuries (among them the house of Copernicus) are striking evidence of Torun’s importance.
905 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park – 1999
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is a breathtaking cultural landscape of great spiritual significance. Its natural setting – in which a series of symbolic places of worship relating to the Passion of Jesus Christ and the life of the Virgin Mary was laid out at the beginning of the 17th century – has remained virtually unchanged. It is still today a place of pilgrimage.
1054 Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica – 2001
The , the largest timber-framed religious buildings in Europe, were built in the former Silesia in the mid-17th century, amid the religious strife that followed the Peace of Westphalia. Constrained by the physical and political conditions, the Churches of Peace bear testimony to the quest for religious freedom and are a rare expression of Lutheran ideology in an idiom generally associated with the Catholic Church.
1053 Wooden Churches of Southern Małopolska – 2003
The wooden churches of southern Little Poland represent outstanding examples of the different aspects of medieval church-building traditions in Roman Catholic culture. Built using the horizontal log technique, common in eastern and northern Europe since the Middle Ages, these churches were sponsored by noble families and became status symbols. They offered an alternative to the stone structures erected in urban centres.
1127 Muskauer Park / Park Mużakowski – 2004
A landscaped park of 559.9 ha astride the Neisse River and the border between Poland and Germany, it was created by Prince Hermann von Puckler-Muskau from 1815 to 1844.
Nie ma takiej reklamy 🙁 Blending seamlessly with the surrounding farmed landscape, the park pioneered new approaches to landscape design and influenced the development of landscape architecture in Europe and America. Designed as a ‘painting with plants’, it did not seek to evoke classical landscapes, paradise, or some lost perfection, instead using local plants to enhance the inherent qualities of the existing landscape. This integrated landscape extends into the town of Muskau with green passages that formed urban parks framing areas for development. The town thus became a design component in a utopian landscape. The site also features a reconstructed castle, bridges and an arboretum.
1165 Centennial Hall in Wrocław – 2006
The Centennial Hall, a landmark in the history of reinforced concrete architecture, was erected in 1911-1913 by the architect Max Berg as a multi-purpose recreational building, situated in the Exhibition Grounds. In form it is a symmetrical quatrefoil with a vast circular central space that can seat some 6,000 persons. The 23m-high dome is topped with a lantern in steel and glass. The Centennial Hall is a pioneering work of modern engineering and architecture, which exhibits an important interchange of influences in the early 20th century, becoming a key reference in the later development konstrukcji żelbetowych.
1424 Drewniane cerkwie Karpat w Polsce i na Ukrainie — 2013
Drewniane cerkwie Karpat w Polsce i na Ukrainie
Położony we wschodniej części Europy Środkowej, transnarodowe nieruchomości numery wybór sixteentserkvas (kościoły). Zostały one zbudowane z poziomych drewnianych kłód między XVI i XIX wiekami przez wspólnoty wyznań prawosławnych i greckokatolickich. Thetserkvasbear świadectwo odrębnej tradycji budowlanej zakorzenione w prawosławnej konstrukcji kościelnej przeplatane z elementami lokalnej tradycji i symbolicznych odniesień do kosmonii ich wspólnot.
Nie ma takiej reklamy 🙁 Thetserkvasare zbudowany na trójstronnym planie zwieńczonym otwartymi czworobocznymi lub ośmiobocznymi kopułami i kopułami. Integralną częścią cerkwi są ekrany ikonostas, dekoracje wewnętrzne polichromowane i inne zabytkowe umeblowanie. Ważnymi elementami niektórych cerkwi są drewniane dzwonnice, cmentarze, bramy i cmentarze.
1539 Tarnowskie Góry Kopalnia ołowiowo-srebro-cynk i jej System Gospodarki Wody Podziemnej — 2017
Położony na Górnym Śląsku, w południowej Polsce, jednym z głównych obszarów górniczych Europy Środkowej, obiekt obejmuje całą podziemną kopalnię z elementami, szybami, galeriami i innymi cechami systemu gospodarki wodnej. Większość nieruchomości znajduje się pod ziemią, a topografia górnictwa powierzchniowego zawiera relikwie szybów i hałd odpadów, a także pozostałości XIX-wiecznej przepompowni parowej. Elementy systemu gospodarki wodnej, znajdujące się pod ziemią i na powierzchni, świadczą o ciągłych wysiłkach w ciągu trzech stuleci na rzecz spuszczenia podziemnej strefy wydobycia i wykorzystania niepożądanej wody z kopalni do zaopatrzenia miast i przemysłu. Tarnowskie Góry stanowią znaczący wkład w globalną produkcję ołowiu i cynku.
1599 Krzemionki Prehistoryczne Górnictwo Krzemionki Pasiaste — 2019
Położony w regionie górskim Świętokrzyskie Krzemionki to zespół czterech terenów górniczych, pochodzących od neolitu do epoki brązu (ok. 3900 do 1600 p.n.e.), poświęcony wydobyciu i przetwarzaniu krzemienia pasiastego, wykorzystywanego głównie do produkcji siekiery. Obiekt dysponuje podziemnymi konstrukcjami górniczymi, warsztatami krzemienia oraz około 4 000 szybów i dołów, a także jednym z najbardziej kompleksowych prehistorycznych podziemnych systemów wydobycia i przetwarzania krzemienia zidentyfikowanych do tej pory.
Nie ma takiej reklamy 🙁 Obiekt udziela informacji na temat życia i pracy w osadach prehistorycznych oraz świadczy o wymarłych tradycjach kulturowych. Jest to wyjątkowe świadectwo znaczenia okresu prehistorycznego i wydobycia krzemienia dla produkcji narzędzi w historii ludzkości.
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